We need your opinion !

Why these questions ?

We want to improve the quality of our publication to suit your requirements. We invite you to answer this questionnaire will take about 5 minutes .

Answer our questions !

Feel free to review !

    Company name

    Number of employees

    Your Email

    Your Website

    Your activity

    1st question : What you see as the strengths and weaknesses of our publication ?

    2nd question : Regarding detail which countries do you think are the missing data and / or data to be added ?

    3rd question : The section , cultural aspect is it for you

    Very usefulNot very usefuldon't know

    4th question : Regarding the specialist record that analyzes the economic model and the geopolitical position of the country, would you say that it meets

    your expectationsneed to be improveddon't know

    5th question : To the focus that brings you information on doing business . What do you want to know ? :

    The cultural code of the country in questionA survey of its middle class and consumption patternsother (specify)

    6th question: The purpose of our review is to cause the click of professionals and encourage them to seize emerging opportunities. The choice of growth sectors of the economy it seems to be you :
    relevantirrelevantDo not know

    7th question :
    If we give you the opportunity to work in our publication - either bringing your testimony or by giving to our readers benefit from your field experience acquired in emerging countries ; would you accept to be our member ?


    8th question : Do you prefer articles ?

    short (1, 2 pages)Average (3, 4 pages)longs

    9th question : Which country would you like us to introduce in our news review ?
    AfricaAsiaAmérica latinaCEIMiddle-East

    10th question : In general , how do you rate our publication ? (from 1 to 10)

    Want to know more about Emerging Nations ?

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