Brazil, a land of the future?
In the current context of sluggish growth in Europe, Brazil seems to be a country of the future that can open up new prospects for companies. The country's size (more than 15 times the size of France) and its energy and mining resources are competitive advantages that appeal to companies looking for new sources of growth.
France's soft power in Brazil is a tool that companies can make use of, as the country has adopted Auguste Comte's motto of “order and progress”.
om Jobim thought that “Brazil is not a country for beginners”, as it requires an investment in identifying market segments for positioning. This special issue brings you all the keys you need to open the doors to Brazil, a continent which has made adventurers and explorers dream.
Waste expo, your gateway to Brazil
Emerging Nations
The Brazilian government's priority is to reduce organic, plastic, paper, metal and glass waste. Investment is needed in recycling and waste reprocessing capacity in Brazil. Waste Expo Brasil is a major event in Latin America focusing exclusively on solid waste management, recycling, public cleaning services and waste-to-energy.It is a must-attend event and a benchmark for environmental technologies, the most anticipated major meeting point for entrepreneurs, specialists and highly qualified professionals. The event takes place from 22 to 24 October 2024. Download the presentation brochure.
Brazil, an emerging power
Nations Emergentes
This video highlights Brazil's assets in Latin America, a continent that accounts for half of South America. It has a powerful soft-power influence on its neighbours, sharing borders with 10 of the 12 countries that make up South America. Its capacity for interaction and seduction make Brazil a key country in Latin America. This video provides an in-depth analysis of Brazil in its geopolitical environment.
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Publisher of a magazine specializing in international trade for European professionals. We provide reliable and validated by specialists, a practical analysis of the emerging markets, mapping of interesting places for business and statistics. We want to bring the click of professionals and encourage them to seize emerging opportunities.
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Emerging Nations
ISSN : 2429-7461 Law Association 1901 W931002897
Douraya ASGARALY Director of Publication
Ile de France