To be partner of Emerging Nations, an opportunity for you!
We propose you :
• To distribute to your active or potential customers the advertising of your choice, to present in detail your know-how, as well as your advertising contents or editorials according to your strategy in a space reserved specifically for that purpose,
• To strengthen the dynamic image of your company by displaying on our website the contents you have chosen,
• To reinforce your position of leading player by adding your profile to our national and international network. In addition, we insure your logo on our website.
Diverse solutions :
To insure you a better visibility, EMERGING NATIONS offer you a brief presentation of your company beyond the logo in the partner section, along with commercial media support, which will make your company easier to find by your potential partners and our visitors on website,
This space dedicated to all our partners can be updated in real time, including all pertinent information to your activity and your success in emerging markets.

Make your application !
About Emerging Nations
Publisher of a magazine specializing in international trade for European professionals. We provide reliable and validated by specialists, a practical analysis of the emerging markets, mapping of interesting places for business and statistics. We want to bring the click of professionals and encourage them to seize emerging opportunities.
Our Adress
Emerging Nations
ISSN : 2429-7461 Law Association 1901 W931002897
Douraya ASGARALY Director of Publication
Ile de France