Awaking the curiosity of the French companies in the Emerging Nations by bringing them, verify information thanks to the participation of the leading specialists and a selection of the extract from the international or national newspapers.We hope this will provoke an impact in professional’s minds and make them considerer emerging markets as new opportunities areas.
As a French association based in Paris, we would like to take part into the local economical development and for the France in particular.

We help local exporting companies by providing them accurate information through our magazine published every two months in international trade.
• Transparency and trust to our partners and staff• Cultural diversity
• Pedagogy
• Social dimension
• Transfer of knowledge’s
To carry out our mission, we have set several strategic goals:• Setting up a think tank to anticipate new trends and need in the emerging markets in order to communicate to the professionals
• Collecting a database of what is happening in the emerging nations in order to communicate the success practices reflecting for the effectiveness to our businesses.
This magazine brings you our correspondence exhaustive. It focuses on these particular items:• Country file seen by a specialist
• Business environment and practices
• Country data and custom regulations
• Business opportunities
• Trade exhibitions and fairs
By creating a documentary magazine, we would like this could be kept by French companies because it is a part of a documentary series.
About Emerging Nations
Publisher of a magazine specializing in international trade for European professionals. We provide reliable and validated by specialists, a practical analysis of the emerging markets, mapping of interesting places for business and statistics. We want to bring the click of professionals and encourage them to seize emerging opportunities.
Our Adress
Emerging Nations
ISSN : 2429-7461 Law Association 1901 W931002897
Douraya ASGARALY Director of Publication
1, rue Roger Salomon
93700 DRANCY